Thursday, March 27, 2008

white stilton with apricot

Has it really been almost a week since I've updated? How easy it is to forget. I've got a bunch of posts brewing right now, but I know I really should complete all the unfinished ones first. Anyway, here's the last new post (hopefully) before I give the old ones the attention they deserve. I don't know if you're into cheese as much as I am, but man, oh man, have I got a recommendation for you. Two words: English Stilton. Tonight's cheese is an apricot stilton purchased from Trader Joe's in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I started out by doing what I do with everything I'm planning on eating: place it on my tree painting. Visual walkthrough follows...

Once I was satisfied that it was on the tree painting, I decided to plate, slice, and cracker the feisty little block...

Well, as you might be able to guess, one thing led to another...

Which led to another...

Which led to another...

...and the aftermath (if you didn't consider the preceding picture a sufficient display of aftermath)...


1      Block English Stilton  (with fruit)
2-5   Bottles of Decent Beer
20    Crackers
2-3   Cigarettes
1      Naked Body  (For 2 Naked Bodies, see "Formula For A Truly
              Badass Evening Together," unfortunately not featured
              on this blog.)
1      Adequate Supply of Insulin  (natural or synthetic)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmmm, Sam Adams, my favorite ale.
German beers got nothing on the English.

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