Thursday, March 20, 2008

the folks from mother's mixer

This album has been simmering in the back of my mind for almost three weeks now, and although I've been checking back in with it every few days, I don't know whether or not I'm really getting as much out of "The Folks From Mother's Mixer" as there clearly is to get. That doesn't mean I'm not loving it, because I certainly am, it's just that I'm a little dubious about recommending something on the basis of an incomplete understanding of what it means to me. Also, it's in my car right now, so I can't even take a picture...I guess I just figured if I didn't get something down on paper, this whole blog would end up on the scrap-heap. tbc...




I've decided to post only the first 11 tracks, which is their self-titled debut album. If you like it, I'm sure they'd really appreciate it if you went out and bought the whole thing. Their follow-up is equally good, but better-produced and intended to be more "easily accessible" I think.

The tracklist and download link are in the comments section below. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

01 - Prophet
02 - Think of Me
03 - Cynthy-Ruth
04 - Over and Over
05 - Ashamed
06 - Reality
07 - Windsong
08 - Good Luck
09 - That's the Way It Goes
10 - I Don't Want To Die
11 - Set Me Free

Black Merda - [1970] Black Merda.rar